Forever Family Friday – Jalexus and Jasmine
Our last #ForeverFamilyFriday post of 2022! I can’t believe we are turning the page again on the calendar. That’s just crazy. Fifty-two plus kids have been shared this year. Some have found their forever families…others are closer to finding theirs. Some have been placed in homes, then moved to other homes and then moved to a third home. Many are still patiently waiting. Sadly that is the state of the system and the process. It’s got many flaws…BUT it’s what we have to work with. We celebrate the kids that ARE having their first Christmas with their new mom/dad/grandparents/siblings. We are so happy for them. We will take a few deep cleansing breaths and keep pressing on and keep sharing and keep on asking for you to do the same. We will keep fighting and keep believing that where we start is NOT where we finish. Together we can do this! Please let me introduce you to 2 ladies that would love their forever family in 2023.
Jalexus and Jasmine live in Tennessee. Jalexus is 15 and is a creative and active young lady. She likes jumping on the trampoline, swimming, singing and riding bikes in addition to doing hair and makeup. Volleyball, soccer and kickball are her favorite sports. Jalexus is very personable with a big sense of humor. She is smart in math, and likes games such as Connect 4 and Monopoly.
Jasmine is 13 and is very considerate. She will ask you about your day and tends to put others before herself. She likes to be with others and play games such as UNO and Monopoly. Jasmine likes to see new things and would love a family that travels. When she grows up she would like to help kids in some capacity.
Both girls would love a family that is active, loving and outgoing. When asked what a family means to them they said “getting to know you….and being grateful that they want you.” Oh my. Every child deserves to be wanted! Every child deserves to be known, and seen, and heard and loved. Let’s finish off 2022 strong by sharing, liking, and talking about these girls and do all that we can to connect them with their forever family! Thank you guys and Happy New Year! Many blessings to you and your family! For more information please contact AmericasKidsBelong.Org or DM us!
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